
R. C. Gonzalez , R. E. Woods: Digital Image Processing (4th Edition), 2017
E. Sojka: Digitální zpracování a analýza obrazu, 2000

Week 1

Course introduction, Introduction to OpenCV
The template for the exercises is here

Week 2


Week 3

Intensity Transformations, Convolution, Median filter

Week 4

Edge detection

Week 5

Image segmentation

Week 6

Advanced Image segmentation Methods

Week 7

Hough Transform - hints for the exercise

Week 8

Binary image processing - mathematical morphology, indexing

Week 9

Image features (moments, HOG)

Week 10

Object classification (etalons, k-means)

Week 11

Neural networks


Task Points
Convolution 5
Edge Detection (First derivate + Sobel + Laplace) 5
Image thresholding 5
Line or Cicle Detection using Hough Transform 5
Indexing 5
Features computing 5
Classification using etalons and k-means 5
Classification using neural network 5


HOG+NN on parking lots 20
Two questions from this list 40